Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Vijay Rupani today initiated beautiful Kankaria Carnival at Ahmedabad. The jubilee was sorted out by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC). In such manner he said that now different plans and individuals welfare programs in the state have been involved in organized mode. This administration is constantly dedicated for all-round advancement of poorest individual of the state by consenting legislative issues of improvement way of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
CM Shri Rupani praised Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation for making visionary improvement of Kankariya grounds with new attractions alongside celebration of fun with learning under initiative of the then Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modi. Shri Modi has awaked individuals through cashless economy, advanced exchange to check dark cash and surgical strike and produce soul of patriotism among individuals. By taking after his means Gujarat has chosen to make individuals compulsion free, he included.
We made strict execution to boycott Hukkah Bars and alcohol forbiddance to spare youth era from fiendishness of compulsion. He communicated his confidence that the social program on the premise of surgical strike will fortify country cognizance among individuals. On the event of birth commemoration of our previous Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee – Good Governance Day, CM Shri Rupani devoted and established framework stone of different formative works worth Rs. 109 crore. He congratulated capable games people of Ahmedabad who have effectively performed in national and worldwide level games occasions in different games furthermore propelled Minister of State Smt. Nirmalaben Wadhvani's site.
On this event, State Cabinet Ministers Shri Vallabhbhai Kakadiya, Smt. Nirmalaben Wadhvani, State Assembly Speaker Shri Ramanlal Vora, Mayor Shri Gautambhai Shah, Deputy Mayor Smt. Pramodaben, state BJP pioneer Shri I. K. Jadeja, MLAs, Chairpersons of different boards of trustees, Municipal Councilors and individuals in tremendous number were stayed exhibit.