High Court Gujarat Post Of District Judges Syllabus

Starting date for submission of On-line Application 01/03/2017 (12:00 Hours)
Closing date for submission of On-line Application 31/03/2017 (23:59 Hours)
Tentatively Schedule of Examination / Test
Date of Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) 30th April, 2017
Date of Main Written Examination 2nd July, 2017
Date of Viva-voce Test (Personal Interview) August / September, 2017

Read Answer Advertisement Before Apply

1. Opportunity AND PAY SCALE : 

(i) The High Court of Gujarat, in perspective of the rules of the Hon'ble 

Preeminent Court on account of Malik Mazhar Sultan and Anr. V/s. U.P. 

Open Service Commission and Ors. what's more, 'The Gujarat State Judicial 

Benefit Rules, 2005', welcomes On-line Applications from the qualified 

Honing Advocates, for topping off, by Competitive Examination, 

roughly 42 (30 Regular + 12 Ad-hoc) opening, existing and 

future, in the unit of District Judges, in the compensation size of Rs. 51,650- 

1240-59,090-1390-63,260 + Allowances, as permissible under the Rules. 

(ii) The High Court claims its authority to modify the quantity of opening, than 


(iii) 'On-line Recruitment Applications' can be submitted from 01/03/2017 

(12.00 Hrs.). Last date for accommodation of On-line Applications will be 

31/03/2017 till 23:59 Hrs. 


(i) Candidate must have a Degree in Law from a University perceived 

by law in India. 

(ii) Candidate must be a rehearsing Advocate in Courts of Civil and additionally 

Criminal ward on the last date settled for accommodation of On-line 

Applications and must have so rehearsed for a period at the very least 

Seven Years, as on 31/03/2017. 

Clarification : For the motivation behind this Clause, in figuring the period 

amid which a man has been an Advocate, there should be incorporated the 

period amid which he/she has held a Judicial Office. 

Ad NO. RC/1250/2017 

(iii) Candidate must have Basic Knowledge of Computer Application/ 

Operation, as set out by the Government of Gujarat in General 

Organization Department Resolution No. PRCH-102005-1532-K, 

dated 30/09/2006 and CRR-10-2007-120320-G.5, dated 13/08/2008. 


A hopeful more likely than not accomplished the age of 35 years and must not have achieved 

the age of 48 years on account of competitors having a place with Scheduled Caste, 

Booked Tribes and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, 

Orthopedically Disabled Persons and Ex-servicemen and 45 years for the situation 

of General Candidates, as on the last date settled for enrollment of the Online 

Application, i.e. on 31/03/2017.

Read Answer Syllabus Before Apply