GEER Senior and Junior Scientific Technical Assistant Syllabus,Answer key, Result

Recruitment For GEER Senior and Junior Scientific Technical Assistant Syllabus,Answer key, Result

Advertisement No. 201819/2 GEER Senior and Junior Scientific Technical Assistant  Gujarat ECOLOICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION Online application forms are invited to select the right candidate on the below mentioned sites, for this, the candidate has to apply on Ojas website from 17/09/2018 to 27/09/2018
GEER Senior and Junior Scientific Technical Assistant Syllabus,Answer key, Result

GEER Senior and Junior Scientific Technical Assistant Syllabus,Answer key, Result Job Details

Name of Post: Senior and Junior Scientific Assistant

Number of Post Senior and Junior Scientific Assistant: 04 

Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200

Fix Pay: Rs. 31340/- 

Qualification And Syllabus of Senior and Junior Scientific Assistant:

possess a post graduate degree in surroundings Science or Chemistry or Bio-chemistry or Bio-technology or microbiology or Aquatic Biology or Marine Biology or Bio Science of any of the colleges established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India or the other educational institution recognized per se or declared to be a deemed university beneath section three of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956;

(i) have atleast one year expertise on the post not below the rank of Technical Assistant in Gujarat Ecological Education and analysis (GEER) Foundation, or

(ii) have atleast one year expertise in several aspects of Laboratory Management together with handling of advance instruments and work expertise of study of waste water or molecular biology or analysis and Development or Scientific Activities and Services or Science and Technology Programme and designing Development in Government or Government endeavor Board or Corporation or Industrial or Academy or Science and Technology Organization on the post which may be thought of similar to the post not below the rank of Technical Assistant, in Gujarat Ecological Education and research (GEER) Foundation, once getting the educational qualification as prescribed higher than.

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