Gujarat Police Intelligence Officer Syllabus, Answer Key, Result

Gujarat Police Intelligence Officer Syllabus, Answer Key, Result with Exam Paper solution

Gujarat police has issued official notice for the different empty posts in the Department. It is extraordinary chance to satisfy your fantasy employment of a sub-reviewer of police. If it's not too much trouble visit the official site or the warning. Here we are determining the same. With respect to, Police Intelligence Officer application frame, qualification, installment scale, determination criteria and all other vital detail, please go to the site for illumination. Intrigued applicant can apply for Gujarat Police Intelligence Officer enlistment 2021 and some other post as per your capability and intrigue.

Gujarat Police Intelligence Officer Syllabus, Answer Key, Result

Gujarat Police Intelligence Officer Syllabus, Answer Key, Result Exam Date Details

Advt.No : PSIRB/202021/1

Post Name : Gujarat Police Recruitment of 18 post for Police Intelligence Officer Male

Post Name : Gujarat Police Recruitment of 09 post for Police Intelligence Officer Female

Department : PSIRB Gujarat

Major date:  

Starting date of online Application: 05/10/2021
End Date of Online Application: 20/10/2021

Pay scale : As Per Advertise

Fees: Candidates have to pay Rs. 100 + other Charge
    Age: The candidate's age is not less than 21 years and should not be more than 35 years 

    Gujarat Police Intelligence Officer Qualification & Syllabus: 

    Possess :
    • Must have a bachelor's degree from a recognized university or a degree from a legally established recognized university or a degree from a deemed university under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act 1956 or a degree declared by the government
    • The basic information of computer application as prescribed in Gujarat Civil Services Classification and achievement (General) Rules , 1967; and
    • Possess adequate Knowledge of Gujarati and /or Hindi.

    Gujarat Police Intelligence Officer syllabus

    Course of Competitive Written Test: Merit will be as under

    Advertisement No .: PSIRB / 202122/ (Police Intelligence Officer Cadre) has a bachelor's degree, his / her study order is as under.

    4 question papers MCQ And The OMR method will be examined. As follows

    O.M.R. - M.C.Q. Methodological written test

    Question paper-1) Gujarati Language Total 100 Marks Time 2

    Will include grammar, oral ability, idiom, vocabulary, comprehension etc.

    Question paper-2) English Language Total 100 Marks Time 2

    (Questions shall be objective type which shall include Grammar, Verbal aptitude,
    Vocabulary, Idioms, Comprehension etc.)

    Question paper- 3) General Knowledge Total 100 Marks Time 2

    Current Trends and Computer Knowledge and Psychological Matters

    Question paper- 4) Legal matters Total 100 Marks Time 2 

    General knowledge questions related to legal will be asked

    Indian Constitution
    Criminal Procedure Code 1973
    Indian Penal Code 1860
    Evidence Act 1872
    Gujarat Police Act 1951
    Gujarat Prohibition Act 1949
    The Anti-Corruption Act 1988
    Prevention of Atrocities Act 1989
    Motor Vehicle Act 1988

    Gujarat Police Intelligence Officer Syllabus