RMC Fire Operator | RMC Recruitment 2023 Syllabus


Apply For RMC Fire Operator Exam Syllabus, Answer key, Result materials Gujarat

Advertisement No.: RMC/2023/165, Date: 21/12/2023 from Rajkot Municipal Corporation Online applications are invited for RMC Fire Operator Syllabus the purpose of waiting list for filling the currently vacant and future vacant posts of the below mentioned cadres by direct rmc recruitment 2023.

Online applications are invited from category wise candidates in the following details for filling up the posts of various cadres of Rajkot Municipal Corporation. For this, the candidate has to login to www.rmc.gov.in from 21/12/2023 to 10/01/2024 (23.59 hours) and apply. Also, the last date for online fee payment will be up to 10/01/2024 (23.59 hours). 

1) Detailed instructions for applying (along with those mentioned in the issue number 7 in this advertisement) The entire advertisement must be carefully reviewed by the candidate before applying online.

2) While applying online, the candidate does not have to add any certificates. But in the online application based on the details of the certificates, the applicant has to file the entire details.

Thus, all of their certificates such as educational qualification, age, school leave certificates, caste, physical deformity (if applicable), new solicitors (if applicable), widow (if applicable) and other qualifications With certificates, the online application will have to fill the entire details based on such certificates. 

So that the application can not be cancelled due to incorrect details of the application.

RMC Fire Operator Syllabus, Answer key, Result Exam Details 

Advt.No  : 

Post Name :  
RMC Fire Operator 

Number of RMC Fire Operator : 64

Class :

Rajkot Municipal Corporation

Fire Operator PayScale :
Fixed Pay Rs.26,000/- for five years and Rs.19900-63200/-(Pay Matrix Level-2) as per 7th Pay Commission (Rs.5200-20200 as per 6th Pay Commission, Grade Pay-1900) will be considered.

Probation : 5 Year

Age : 18 To 33 Year

Exam Fee:  Candidates belonging to unreserved category have to pay Rs.500/- (five hundred whole) as application fee while other category candidates have to pay Rs.250/-(two hundred and fifty) as application fee. 

This application fee will be accepted only and only through online/net banking. After paying the application fee, the candidate can submit his application no. And the transaction ID must be preserved. No refund will be given after payment of application fee. Application without payment of fee will be liable to be cancelled. 

Candidates who do not pay the application fee will not be allowed to appear for any written test/screening test/oral interview in the procedure to be prescribed by the appointing authority.

Last date for online fee payment from RMC website is 10/01/2024 (23: 59 hours) will be up to. A reserved category candidate will not have to pay the examination fee even if he applies for a non-reserved seat. 

RMC Fire Operator Essential/Desirable Qualification & syllabus:

A.10th pass and Fireman's pass from Govt recognized institution and should have Heavy Motor Vehicle License. And Physical Qualification: Must pass physical test

B. Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules - Must have information Basic use of computer as defined in 1967 . 

C. Candidate Must have sufficient knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi language, rmc Fire Operator Syllabus