On line applications are invited for the posts of the Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health Service, Class-2(Advt. 100/2016-17) between date:15/11/2016, 13.00 Hrs. to date 30/112016, 13.00 Hrs.
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Job Details:
Post Name: Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health Service, Class-2
No. of Vacancy: 14 Posts
Pay Scale: Rs. 9300/- - 34800/-
Grade Pay: 5400/-
Eligibility for GPSC Gujarat
Educational Qualification :
(i)A degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Chemical Engineering obtained from any of the University established or incorporated by
or under an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational
Institutions established or recognized as such by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed University as prescribed in section-3 of University Grants
Commission Act, 1956;
Or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government for this purpose:
(ii)The associated membership of the institute of Engineers (India), in the subject shown as specified in sub-clause
(i) above or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government of any other institute recognized by the Government.
(iii)Have above five years’ experience as in charge of Design, fabrication or
maintenance of machinery plant or section of any industry or experience of working in the Gujarat Industrial safety and Health services after acquiring the requisite education qualification prescribed as above. Provided that, a candidate who is already in the Gujarat Industrial safety and Health services and during the service if he gets the qualification prescribed above in (i) and (ii), his experience shall be counted from the date of joining in the Gujarat Industrial safety and Health services under the Directorate of Industrial safety and Health.
(i)A degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Chemical Engineering obtained from any of the University established or incorporated by
or under an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational
Institutions established or recognized as such by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed University as prescribed in section-3 of University Grants
Commission Act, 1956;
Or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government for this purpose:
(ii)The associated membership of the institute of Engineers (India), in the subject shown as specified in sub-clause
(i) above or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government of any other institute recognized by the Government.
(iii)Have above five years’ experience as in charge of Design, fabrication or
maintenance of machinery plant or section of any industry or experience of working in the Gujarat Industrial safety and Health services after acquiring the requisite education qualification prescribed as above. Provided that, a candidate who is already in the Gujarat Industrial safety and Health services and during the service if he gets the qualification prescribed above in (i) and (ii), his experience shall be counted from the date of joining in the Gujarat Industrial safety and Health services under the Directorate of Industrial safety and Health.
(iv)The basic knowledge of computer application as prescribed in Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules-1967; as amended from time to time.
(v) Adequate knowledge of Gujarati, Hindi and English.
(v) Adequate knowledge of Gujarati, Hindi and English.
A candidate shall, not be more than 40 year of age.
Job Location: Gujarat
Application Fee: Candidates has to
pay Rs. 100/- + Postal Service charges, Fee can be pay Indian Postal Order/ Online Payment last date
Important Dates to Remember:
Starting Date of Online Application: 16.11.2016
Last Date of Online Application: 30.11.2016
Read the Syllabus and How to Apply
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