CM launches Atal Sneh yojna state-wide annual School Health Check-up

Gujarat government will dispatch statewide school Health checkup program from seventh of December. The health checkup drive as indicated by state health priest Shri Nitin Patel will proceed till 5 February 2016 and cover upwards of 1.56 crore understudies and other kids.

The yearly drive will include 4,29,972 human constrain from govt side including 2,720 specialists. 

Youngsters who don't go to class, kids home, Madresa, shelter kids will be canvassed in this program. Sort 1 diabetes and epilepsy are added to scope of this program. Conveyance of glasses, free of cost super-claim to fame treatment office when required are a portion of the highlights of this program started amid the initiative of past boss clergyman Shri Narendra Modi.

A year ago 1,54,66,126 youngsters were looked up for health. Of them 15,98,975 were dealt with on the spot, 1,58,986 were given glasses, 4249 were dealt with for heart, 1170 for kidney, 781 for tumor. 9 cases included kidney transplantation while 2 lever transplantation. 678 were given club foot treatment.