Excutive Vacancy in IDBI Bank

IDBI bank welcomes applications from qualified possibility for 500 posts of "Executive Clerk" in different workplaces of the Bank. Determination for the post will be through a nation wide focused Examination in two stages i.e. Preparatory and Main examination took after by an Interview.

Recruitments in IDBI Bank are strictly on all India basis by open competition and The Bank has not hired or authorized any agency or organization or any individual to recommend or recruit any personnel on its behalf or collect any money or commission or charges for recruitment or training or coaching, etc

Excutive Vacancy in IDBI Bank

The full text of the advertisement is available on the Banks’ website http://www.idbi.com and is also being published in the Employment.


Non–refundable application fee and Intimation charges Application Fees/ Intimation Charges [Payable from 16.11.2016 to 30.11.2016(both dates inclusive)] shall be as follows

 150/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates

 700/- for all others.

Bank Transaction charges / convenience charges for Online Payment of application fees

/Intimation charges will have to be borne by the candidate

Applications will be accepted only Online through the Bank’s website.

Important Dates
Opening Date of Online Registration 16.11.2016

Last Date of Online Registration 30.11.2016

Payment of Application Fees 16.11.2016 to 30.11.2016

Exam Date
