Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Vijay Rupani initiated Vibrant VIA Expo-2016 as a piece of Pre-Vibrant Summit in Vapi, composed by Vapi Industries Association (VIA). CM Shri Rupani communicated his confidence that this pre-energetic summit will include another section in notoriety of modern city as Vapi. He informed about the prospective Vibrant Summit-2017 which will be sorted out amid January-2017 at Gandhinagar and said that upwards of 12 nations and more than 200 remote representatives will partake in the eighth version of the summit.
CM Shri Rupani called for worldwide mechanical improvement alongside persisting obligations towards ecological protection. In such manner he obviously said that Gujarat has made one of a kind personality alongside green-clean state and as a development motor through mechanical advance.
With expert dynamic approach State Government has made a chance to pull in more businesses in Gujarat by declaring upwards of 18 modern special arrangements and aviation barrier strategies, he included.
Gujarat has likewise brought and exceptional activity with a dream of improvement by Make in India, Digital India, Startup India started by PM Shri Narendra Modi. He communicated trust that Gujarat will turn into an accomplice through brand picture of Make in Gujarat and Indian items to be traded around the world.
Checks worth Rs. 5 lakh in Kanya Kelavani Nidhi by Vapi VIA and a check of worth Rs. 5 lakh for Swachhta Nidhi by Green Enviro businesses were given over to CM Shri Rupani.
On the event, Valsad MP Dr. K. C. Patel, Vapi MLA Shri Kanubhai Desai, President of VIA Vapi Shri Yogeshbhai Kabaria, Vice President of VIA Shri Hitubhai Thakker, District Panchayat President Shri Jitendrabhai Tandel, Pardi MLA Shri Kanubhai Desai, Valsad MLA Shri Bharatbhai Patel, District Collector Ms. Remya Mohan, DDO Shri Gaurang Makwana, Pardi Municipal Corporation President Smt. Tinaben Halpati, consultative board of trustees individuals from VIA, Industrialists and nearby individuals in an immense number were stayed display.
BY CMO Gujarat