GPSC Planning Assistant Syllabus Answer key Result
On line Applications are welcomed from 29-09-2021 to 13-10-2021 for the following posts of Planning Assistant, class-III. The booking for S.C., S. T., S. and E. B.C., and ladies applicants is as under. If there should arise an occurrence of non - availability of Women hopefuls, in the separate class, the post so held will be apportioned to male applicants having a place with a similar classification Gujarat.
GPSC Planning Assistant Syllabus, Answer key, Result GMC Details
Adv No: GPSC/202122/24
Name Of Post: Planning Assistant, Class-3, Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation
Number of GMC Planning Assistant Post: 2
Class: Class-3
Department: Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)
Description / Duties: All the duties and responsibilities of the Planning Assistant, Class-3, Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation
Pay Scale: Pay scale of Rs. 39,900-1,26,600/- (Fix Pay:03 Years-Rs.38,090) in the GMC Service
Probation: 2 Years
Minimum Age: Must have completed 18 years on the last date of Advertisement.
Maximum Age: Must not have completed 42 years on the last date of Advertisement Age will be calculated on the last date of the receipt of the application.
Application Fees: - Candidates of General (Unreserved) category have to pay Rs. 100/- +
applicable postal charges
GPSC Planning Assistant Essential/Desirable Qualification & Syllabus:
(1) (i) A Bachelor’s Degree of Architecture or Civil Engineering/Technology and
(ii) A Diploma in City Planning or Town Planning or Regional Planning or Traffic or Transportation Planning or Urban Design obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other Educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or a membership obtained by an examination of institute of Town Planners of India;
(2) Possess the basic knowledge of Computer Application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967.
(3) Adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.
GPSC Planning Assistant Syllabus:
In the preliminary test the candidate will get less than 15% marks. So they will not be eligible for face-to-face interview. Otherwise the medium of this test will be decided by the Commission otherwise it will be Gujarati.
GPSC Planning Assistant Experience(If any) Description: Not Compulsory
Reading Official Syllabus & Advertisement After Apply